Monday, January 24, 2011

OWASP World Summit 2011

In just a few weeks the OWASP World Summit will take place in Lisbon, Portugal.  Unlike many security conferences that have a handful of speakers and many listeners, the OWASP World Summit is designed in a working session style format where top security experts meet to solve pressing problems in application security.  This isn't just a bunch of presentations, this is where real security work gets done.

The lineup of working tracks is pretty spectacular, including a dedicated track to secure coding, an entire day of browser security, and a track with the specific focus of cross-site scripting eradication. In addition, OWASP will be looking inward on how the organization can be structured to grow and continue providing top security resources to the world.

A security conference would be nothing without the right people, and this event is definitely drawing a great crowd.

All the top OWASP leaders and security gurus from: Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, Paypal, Facebook, Apache, Verizon, Dell, leading security consulting groups (Aspect Security, Cigital, Denim Group) and many more.

(Take a look at the full roster here)

I'll be at this event for sure. The last OWASP summit in 2008 was great and I'm expecting even more this time around.  Please flag me down and say hello if I don't run into you. I'll be in multiple working sessions, but you can find me for sure in these two that I will be leading.

-Michael Coates - @_mwc